Friday, 18 March 2011


The recent news story about the school-kid who get bulled one time too many and fought back only to get suspended is the motivation behind this post.
Now I was lucky in the sense that I was not a victim of physical bullying at school - well not much anyway, but I do remember I would cop it sometimes. I told my parents and they said I should hit them back if they hit me again. So that's what I sometimes did. Mind you, my teachers would not have been pleased if they'd known because they were telling my classes never to hit anyone even if they hit us first. So in my case the teachers, whether they knew it or not were telling me to disobey my parents. It sure made a mockery out of something we had to recite in front of the flag every Monday morning at one school I went to. It ended with, "[I will] cheerfully obey my parents, teachers and the law." But you cannot cheerfully or otherwise obey your parents and teachers if your parents say one thing and your teachers say something else, can you?
My opinion is, one should at first try a non violent resistance, and if that doesn't work, then fight back. As a Christian I certainly believe in turning the other cheek, but I don't believe that Jesus was saying we can't defend ourselves by fighting back. Of course one shouldn't fight back just to get even, that's what The Lord was objecting to, if we must fight back, love our attacker all the same. After all, even bullies have problems of their own.
The sort of bullying I was subject to was verbal assault. I remember when I was in high school I wanted to be liked by my fellow classmates, but they seemed to want to hate me instead. I remember there were two girls who kept telling me to get fucked. They just didn't care how much I hated it. Even since then, I have had a massive problem with the F word, probably not helped by the fact that Mum wouldn't even let me say it when quoting people.
Fair dinkim, it would have served them right if I had hit them. I mean, one can only turn the other cheek so many times. Let's pray that God can forgive them, anyhow. 

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